Category: General

Hypothyroidism symptoms in men

March 7, 2017 0 Comments
Doctor taking notes from a patient.

While hypothyroidism tends to be more prevalent in women than in men, that means it’s all the more important to talk with a medical professional if you are a man concerned about...

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Are you facing a weight-loss plateau?

February 7, 2017 0 Comments
Woman screaming at a bathroom scale.

If you’re making strides to eat well and exercise more, you might be frustrated to find your weight loss slowing and even stopping! That’s called a weight-loss plateau, and it’s not uncommon....

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How smoking affects men’s health

January 3, 2017 0 Comments
Man smoking cigarette outdoors in park.

You may already know about some of the health effects that smoking can cause: prematurely wrinkled skin, tobacco stains, discolored teeth, gum disease, bad breath, heart disease, COPD, and lung cancer, to...

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Treating hypothyroidism naturally

December 20, 2016 0 Comments
Woman meditating in yoga pose.

Hypothyroidism, caused by a thyroid that doesn’t produce enough of the hormones your body needs, can create several medical issues. I’ve written before about the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and it’s something that...

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Hypothyroidism symptoms

December 6, 2016 0 Comments
Woman in gray scarf at pharmacy.

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that produces hormones that your body needs. Unfortunately, some people’s thyroid glands do not produce enough of the thyroid hormones, which can...

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Listen to Your Tummy!

June 14, 2016 0 Comments
Man in blue shirt with belly fat.

  “You should listen to your tummy!”,  I always say to my patients inwardly chuckling at using the term “tummy”. They say that half our brains are located in our intestinal tract....

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Complications if Diabetes isn’t reversed

May 17, 2016 0 Comments
Man driving a car, looking back.

The fundamental problem with Type II Diabetes is insulin resistance. What that really means is that there are fewer insulin receptors on the cells of people who have diabetes, as a response to damaging AGE proteins (Advanced Glycation End products). The cells are keeping the excess sugar outside as a protective measure.

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Spiking blood sugar

May 3, 2016 0 Comments
A woman getting a blood sugar test.

Whether you have diabetes or not, you probably know that spiking blood sugar is a dangerous thing for people with diabetes But why is this bad, and how does it create problems? Our cells normally have plenty of insulin receptors. Typically, our blood glucose freely and efficiently enters our cells to be converted to energy.

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