Category: General

Cats and Cheese

February 15, 2014 0 Comments
Grey cat resting on a block of cheese.

My wife was recently giving our daughter (3) and son (2) a bath while I tended to our other son (9 weeks). She recounted what has now morphed into the ‘Lexi saying...

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Telomeres and Aging

November 15, 2013 0 Comments
Baby and adult hand with telomeres.

Telomeres (pronounced Tell-oh-meers) are in the news as of late…and in the research! Telomeres are the short stranded caps at the ends of our DNA. Just as gloves and shoes are to...

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Do you know your VO2?

September 15, 2013 0 Comments
Man running on treadmill with doctor.

No, I’m not asking you to get to know a new Star Wars character. VO2 is actually an important value that can be measured accurately to assess risk for developing heart disease....

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Health Span

May 15, 2013 0 Comments
Smiling woman with short black hair.

Recently, I had been conversing with my parents about my medical practice and the philosophy and science behind age management medicine. My mother is actually pretty nutrition savvy and has read extensively...

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