
Sickness is BIG money

January 15, 2015 0 Comments
Pill bottle and pills on US dollar bills.

A former exercise physiologist colleague of our clinic just emailed a pretty interesting YouTube video link demonstrating new technology that allows medications to be delivered through tiny micro needle patches placed on...

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Fear Factor

November 15, 2014 0 Comments
The word

Fear and the physical response to fear (aka the ‘flight or fight’ response) is a primordial response to danger that has been embedded within our DNA over generations. I don’t know the...

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Are you healthy?

October 15, 2014 0 Comments
How healthy are you logo with icons.

What does it really mean to be “healthy”? The truth is, no definitive set of parameters exists that comprehensively defines what exactly “healthy” means. In some cases, it’s obvious when someone isn’t...

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Be A Man!

August 15, 2014 0 Comments
Family of four smiling on a beach.

You may have opened this article out of mere curiosity or maybe you felt personally challenged by the article’s title. (Perhaps offended by the notion if you are a female.) Let me...

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We’re All Addicted!

August 15, 2014 0 Comments
Green road sign pointing to

Recently, my wife and I joined our church for a ‘fast’ that restricts all fluids to water and all foods to fruits, nuts, beans, and vegetables for 21 days. No meat, dairy,...

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A Tale of Two Hormones Part II

July 15, 2014 0 Comments

Two weeks ago, in the E newsletter entitled: Tale of Two Hormones: Part I, I reviewed the hormone Insulin and how it’s inappropriate and excessive production creates havoc on our bodies. This...

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