Hormonal imbalances are a common problem for millions of Americans, especially as we age. And while you may not have any outward signs or symptoms, it can nevertheless have a far-reaching range of adverse health effects.
A hormone imbalance may lead to dangerous health conditions now and later in life. It can slow you down and impact your ability to be your typical energetic best with:
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Fogginess
So, what signs and symptoms should you be on the lookout for? And what are the impacts of a hormonal imbalance?
Let’s take a closer look at the health impacts and when you should be concerned as well as the options available to get your health and your life back through the Lamkin Clinic.
What Are Hormones?
Hormones play a significant role when it comes to our bodies’ and brains’ ability to function! Hormones are chemical messengers that tell all of our organs when to function and how to do it.
What Do They Control?
Among their many jobs, they help control our:
- Metabolism
- Appetite
- Heart rates
- Nightly sleep cycles
- Mood and stress levels
- Growth and development
- Reproductive cycles
- Sexual functions
As a result, if there is an imbalance in how these hormones perform, a large range of everyday functions can suffer.
You may be:
- Sleepy
- Hungry
- Depressed
- Feeling “off”
Your physical appearance may change as well, such as:
- Dry or saggy skin
- Muscle loss and weakness
- An increase in belly fat
- Hair loss
And because these symptoms may be linked to many other physical and psychological disorders, it can be challenging to determine if a hormonal imbalance is to blame.
So with this in mind, keep a lookout for the following signs, symptoms, and indications you may have a hormonal imbalance.
1. Weight Gain
Weight gain is common as we get older. However, if you are gaining weight without a significant adjustment in your daily caloric intake or physical activity levels, a hormonal imbalance may be to blame.
Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and adrenal hormones tend to impact your metabolism and ability to burn fat. Weight gain can be a clear sign that some of your bodily functions are amiss.
2. Mood Changes
Hormones also regulate our emotions. So, if you find you are more irritable or depressed lately, a hormonal imbalance may be the cause.
Practitioners also link mood change to other physical factors, such as:
- An increase in appetite
- A decrease in motivation to exercise
- Not wanting to socialize
- Not enjoying activities
3. Sleep Changes
Hormone imbalances have a significant impact on our sleep cycles. Even when we close our eyes, there is a lot of activity going on behind the scenes.
Sleep is when our bodies naturally regenerate and restore. Therefore, the inability to sleep or a disruption in your sleep cycle can have a significant impact when it comes to being able to function at your best during the day.
As such, it’s essential to watch out for any alterations in your nightly sleeping habits that do not have an apparent cause. For example, if it’s harder for you to fall asleep or wake up in the morning, a hormonal imbalance may be to blame.
4. Headaches
Frequent headaches can also be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. They are especially prevalent in women:
- During pre-menopause
- Around menstrual cycles
- During menopause
Other symptoms women specifically should look for include:
- Hot flashes
- Hair thinning
- Change in sexual desires or activity
5. Fatigue
One of the most prominent indications of a hormonal imbalance is fatigue. And for a myriad of reasons, practitioners tie fatigue to:
- Sleeping patterns
- Weight gain
- Energy levels
- An increased likelihood of depression
As such, practitioners should consider general fatigue and a lack of energy as a big red flag when it comes to identifying potential hormone imbalances issues.
What Can You Do?
If you have experienced any of the above symptoms in the past few months and worry you may indeed have a hormonal imbalance, don’t panic just yet!
As stated, hormonal imbalances are common and become even more likely as the years progress. There are several things you can do to correct the imbalance and to find your old energetic self again.
Your smartest first step is to contact the Lamkin Clinic for a consultation!
One of the many patient-centric services we offer at the Lamkin Clinic is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).
BHRT is a natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies and created using plant-based substances.
Essentially, BHRT is a type of hormone therapy that uses hormones that are structurally identical to the substances as they naturally occur in your body. This therapy is a time-tested treatment for both men and women dealing with the aging process.
Ready to Learn More?
Dr. Lamkin has been prescribing bioidentical hormones for over a decade. And at the Lamkin Clinic, we take an individualized approach when it comes to this unique treatment.
We never prescribe hormone in isolation or as a one-size-fits-all solution, but as part of a larger plan of health promotion and disease prevention.
We’re standing by to help you and correct your hormonal imbalance so that you can get back to your busy life. Contact us today! We’ll work together to ensure you look, feel, and perform at your very best!